The first overwhelming generation of crime Ads are for the "highly-skilled doctors" who specialized in STDs. 犯罪广告最早成气候的,是专治难言之隐的“神医”。
Your first crime is that you have misread the culture: padding expenses turns out to be not acceptable at your place at all, and your employer has just let you know as much. 你犯的第一个错误是,误读了你们办公室的风气:你工作的地方实际上根本不允许虚报开销,你的老板也刚刚向你传达了这个信息。
I'm about to go to my first crime scene? 我要去到我第一个犯罪现场了?
The traffic offence first belongs to the crime of business mistake and comes from Industrial Revolution. 交通肇事罪最先属于业务过失类犯罪,源于工业革命。
In order to contain the momentum of the taking place of cases in this period, first, the crime characteristic of this period should be realized fully; 要遏制这一时期的刑事案件发案势头,一是要充分认识该时期刑事犯罪特点;
So* This your first time to a crime scene? 这次是你第一次到现场?
The current Criminal Law of China also regards this crime as the first one in crime of trespassing property rights. 我国现行刑法也将抢劫罪置于侵犯财产罪之首。
But in the situation that first action constitutes a crime, if it has not the regulation of outcome aggravation crime to the concrete crime of first action, we can deal with it as omission crime form; 而在先行行为构成犯罪的场合,倘若先行行为的具体犯罪并不存在结果加重犯的规定,一律按不作为犯形态处断;
First section, embezzlement crime legislate history and present situation. 第一章,贪污罪的立法历史和现状。
The tendency of the crime is, first, neither the crime can be brought under control effectively, nor it will develop and spread quickly; 其发展趋势如下:短期内既不会得到非常有效的控制,也不会发展蔓延过快;
First, Aggravated Consequence Crime includes three types: the basical crime is intended, the aggravated consequence is also intended; 文章认为:1、结果加重犯包括三种类型,基本犯为故意犯,加重结果也为故意的类型;
Cavitation is liable to appear in the first elbow. Crime of Chemicals Liable to Produce Poison 集流管的第一转弯处容易产生气蚀;易制毒化学品的犯罪
At first, unfinished crime is the joint links between complete crime pattern and unfinished crime pattern. 犯罪未得逞是犯罪既遂与犯罪未遂的区别标准,也是犯罪完成形态(既遂)与犯罪未完成形态的关节点。
If the first action constitutes a crime, we can deal with it as omission crime form based on aggravation outcome which is continuously caused by first action and certain action of actor. 倘若先行行为构成犯罪,并且基于行为人的先行行为+一定行动间断性地造成加重结果,对此应当按照不作为犯形态处断。
First, from the crime objective perspective, legislation on what is false advertising, what kind of the circumstances are serious has not explicitly been defined. 首先,从犯罪客观方面来看,立法对于什么是虚假广告、什么是情节严重,没有做出明确的界定。
As the first crime of property crime, larceny is always caught the most attention of the criminal scholars. 盗窃罪作为财产犯罪中最常见的犯罪,一直受到刑法学界的高度关注。
First, the crime motivation of the actor comes from suffered organization posting a reward to the public. The actor carried out criminal behaviors in order to get the reward. 其一,行为人实施索财行为的动机来源于受害单位对外发布的悬赏广告,为了获得该奖励金,行为人实施了一些行为。
The first section explores the crime of false imprisonment and the crime with problems. 第一部分探讨的是非法拘禁罪犯罪构成中所遇到的问题。
Paper first discusses the crime of money laundering should follow the principle of sound legislation. 论文首先论述了洗钱犯罪立法完善应遵循的原则。
The first section discusses the crime subject of commercial bribery from the crime subject of commercial accepting bribery and commercial offering bribery. 第一节,从商业受贿犯罪主体和商业行贿犯罪主体两个方面论述了商业贿赂犯罪的主体。
This paper will be divided into five chapters content, the first chapter of unit crime subjective sin parts. 本文分为五章内容,第一章单位犯罪主观罪过部分。
The first part introduced affray crime cases, lead to the problem of affray crime. 第一部分,详细介绍聚众斗殴转化定罪典型案例,并从案例存在的争议焦点,引出本文所研究的聚众斗殴转化定罪问题。
The first aspect introduced the crime with purpose the concept, the purpose violate the purpose essence. 第一方面介绍了目的犯的概念、目的犯中目的的实质。
This chapter two on common crime selection of the typical cases, limited aspects does not belong to the first case of joint crime situation, the second case restricted joint crime case belong to the situation of limit. 本章精选了两个关于共同犯罪实行过限方面的典型案例,第一个案例不属于共同犯罪实行过限的情形,第二个案例案例则属于共同犯罪实行过限的情形。
The proper papers were divided into three parts: For the first part of the crime of misappropriation of public funds outlined. 本论文主文共分为三个部分:论文第一部分为挪用公款罪的概述。
The focal points of the case are as follows. Firstly, whether the first perpetrator commits a crime and which crime? 本案的焦点是:一、第一个肇事者张某的行为是否构成犯罪,如果构成犯罪,构成何种犯罪。
This section first copyright crime "for-profitpurposes" the lag network environment as an issue. 本部分首先将著作权犯罪中以营利为目的在网络环境下出现的滞后性作为问题提出。
Related to the traffic of the compensation problem, this part analyzes the compensation for traffic accident crime punishment and penalty implementation, based on the factors that influence, focuses on two questions: First, the Crime of claims paying ability. 关于交通肇事罪中赔偿问题研究。此部分在分析了赔偿对交通肇事罪的量刑和刑罚执行方式等影响因素的基础上,着重研究了两个问题:第一,交通肇事罪中赔偿能力问题。
First, the crime against the legal interests of private is the application of substantive elements of the criminal Reconciliation, The benefits of crime against the law for a single legal interests, the sole benefit should be private legal interest. 首先,犯罪侵害的法益为私人法益是刑事和解适用的实质要件。